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Where to Buy The Book

Where to Buy The Book

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At present, I’m not selling the book myself directly via an online website. I will be selling copies at readings, workshops and concerts. But for now I want to focus my online efforts on making supporting materials available and building community for songwriters.

If you like buying online, from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or another online retailer, by all means purchase the book there. If you like the book, please consider putting a review up on Amazon’s site. (If you don’t like the book, please don’t!)

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In Stores:

If you like supporting brick and mortar stores, please request the book at your local bookstore or music store. If you request the book, most stores will be happy to stock a preliminary copy or two; the book is readily available from distributors. If you’re patient enough to order the book this way, this is really helpful for me! Some smaller bookstores may stock only a few general-interest music books. But many college bookstores have sophisticated books in their music section. Here’s a picture of the shelf at Trident Books. Something is missing—what is it?

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